Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Nothing much to say

Stampede 2006

I know, I am a horrible blogger. To anyone that checks regularly for updates I apologize.

I passed all of my courses and finished high school with atleast 15 credits I didn't need. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do in the next year. At this point I am working fulltime and looking into a few different options. Nic is taking Electrical Engingeering at SAIT starting later this month, and then he is looking into transferring to either University of Victoria or Lakehead (in Thunder Bay) in two years. It is hard to make my plans around that. Preferrably I should retake math for a higher grade, and take another science which would mean starting post secondary either in February, or next September. I might just continue working fulltime, and if we're together and I go with him I can take something there. We're still trying to figure that out.

I am back at Michaels... again. I played around with a couple of other jobs after I finished with exams but I didn't find anything that worked out. The manager at Michaels called me and offered me 'Full Time Lead Supervisor" and a raise to come back.. so I did. It is twice the money per month that I was making a couple of months ago so it's working out for now.

I also finally got my license. It took me two months to go back for my test after failing it back in may.. but I did it. With only 10 points taken off -- for not checking my rear view mirror often enough. Now I'm working on getting my own vehicle. It has definitely made life much easier being able to drive.

I really don't have a whole lot to say, especially for someone who hasn't blogged in two months. But there you have it, a brief update.
