Thursday, July 02, 2009

it's in the little things

happiness that is.

I find it in the littlest things these days. Like, going to renew my license plate and having my speeding ticket just not show up to be paid. $80.00 that I didn't really have. He listens, and he listens well. Granted, I am using a good portion of that money to get my hair done. But, I haven't cut it since December. The money doesn't have to come out of somewhere else. It is in the little things.

I can grow my nails out, quite nicely and completely naturally. I however, do not have the patience or a steady enough hand to ever make them look like much when polishing. So, I indulge and I pay someone else to do it! Which is terrible really. The place I go to though, only charges 15.00 for a french shape and polish change. and for half an hour, I don't have to care or think about anything or anyone but me. I think this is definitely worth $15.00. and I often don't even make time to go in a month, unless I am getting dressed up for something. But, I had them done before Coldplay and I had them done today on a whim driving home. Why? because I could.

The biggest reason that I could, is because my settlement cheque came on Tuesday from my car accident. A cheque that was $1500.00 less than it could have been thanks to ING, but money nonetheless. So I promptly paid off the one credit card COMPLETELY! I am putting $500.00 into a savings account. and the other thousand dollars, I am using to enjoy Disneyworld. I do not intend to spend that much there, but I have completely paid off a credit card and put money into savings. If I do spend that much money, I am going to try really hard not to worry about it.

It's in the little things like a night spent watching Family Guy and Seinfeld. Just in good company. It's in playing Wii bowling and tennis with my parents and the youngest two. My mother, for the record is absolutely hilarious to play with. For the Eagle's who read this - think Grandma playing Gestures when the card drops down just as she goes to grab it.

I still worry all the time about money. There is so much that I want to do in such a small period of time. However, he does listen. and I have received small answers and peace of mind. If I am to work part time, the right job will come along. In the mean time, I have registered on - which I am absolutely in love with. Parents contact me if they need a babysitter, and I get to choose whether or not I feel like doing it and I get to charge what I want (within reason) and it is easy tax free income doing exactly what I am so passionate about.

It's in the little things. Like denim capris, a blouse and a blazer for $18.00 during a Canada Day Sale. and three dresses, sandals a bathing suit and a tank top from American Eagle for $100.00 (GST rebate, well spent). Driving with the music blaring and the sunroof open. london fogs. and curling up with a good book.

I am Happy.