Saturday, April 09, 2005


Tonight I was asked ,"Do you believe in honesty, or what should be said, honestly?". I replied with the first thing that popped into my head. "I believe that everyone deserves to know the truth, however sometimes you aren't in the right circumstance to tell them".

I stand behind this one hundred percent. Everyone deserves to know the truth, but the right circumstance to tell them may never arise. Often we hold back from telling someone how we feel because we're afraid of how they'll take it. Othertimes we know what we have to say will hurt the recipent so again we hold back.

Everyone wants to know the truth, everyone says they can handle the truth. But can we? Finding out the truth after the fact, hurts so much more than finding out at the beginning. It is amazing how much we lie to people to protect them, and in the end it just makes things worse.

For instance I just got out of a 21 month relationship and now I'm finding out things I never knew. We're not dating and still he'd hiding things from me. Tonight he told me that there is someone else, two weeks after we broke up. It hurt so much more to find out tonight, then if he'd just told me up front when she came into the picture. I wish I could be where I am now, two weeks ago.

I'd have done the last two weeks differently. But that is a topic for another blog.

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