Thursday, March 31, 2005

A Word To The Girls

I wrote this a year ago when a close friend of mine was going through all sorts of identity crisis issues and what not. I began to think just how much girls worry about their appearance and how others see them, and it inspired the following:

We’ve all been there (being teenage girls, how could we not?), you’re sitting there in history class. Mr. Jones is droning on about dates that happened decades ago, the same dates you didn’t care about yesterday, while you sit there staring at the back of the hottie in front of you. That same guy who 10 years ago, was diagnosed with the ever popular cooties, then miraculously cured the day the popular girl came to school with a hickey. You sit there anticipating the day he decides to come off his planet and acknowledge your existence, not realizing you’ve fallen into the trap of society, or that tomorrow there will be a pop quiz on those boring history dates. However, you’re just a girl, what are you suppose to do about it? “It doesn’t matter if I fail that history pop quiz; Tommy likes his girls dumb anyway”. Tommy also likes his girls to be tall, blonde, a 34D, and to have the waistline of an elementary school girl. Does Tommy really feel this way? Or is it just another myth that our world has conjured, society’s idea of “every guy’s perfect girl”.

In reality, during our teen years generally girls do not look as if they just came from the latest issue of Playboy, yet 3,000+ women are still married yearly in Canada. Seeing how the majority of females are brunettes or red heads, under 5’7, within an a-c range, and weigh in around 120-160, every guy cannot be interested in only tall, blondes with big chests, and elementary school girl waists. Therefore there has to be more to guys than the way their girl looks.

Unfortunately most girls do not see this; they see the popular girls with their captain of the basketball team boyfriends, and feel that they could never have a guy, because they’re different than the media says girls should be. Girls can be funny, smart, a blast to be with, cute, multi talented and overall awesome and don't need to try and please a guy however they still do. Girls tend to not believe that if he can take his head out of his ass long enough to realize what they have to offer (as before mentioned), then will he be worth their time, but that instead if he's got his head up his ass (no matter how hot his head or ass may be) and turns them down because they may not look like they just stepped out of the pages of Playboys most recent edition, then they are somehow worth the girls time.

Girls don’t realize that the trick isn’t to go out of your way to attract the guys... if they're worth it they'll come to you; otherwise they aren't worth your time. If you're dressing slutty to get their attention, you'll get it but only because generally guys are pig headed and are hoping to get some, and that isn't going to get you anywhere a week later anyway. The perfect guy will see their girl as beautiful regardless of how she is dressed, and he'll be able to realize her for her brains as well. You don’t have to dress to impress anyone other than yourself, especially not a guy. If you’re comfortable in what you’re wearing, then wear it. If and when Tommy realizes that you do infact exist, he should only get the satisfaction of your attention if he treats you like the goddess that you are.

There are enough girls out there who have low self confidence due to guys, the popular girls, and the media. You don’t be another one of them. Turn heads by being confident in whom you are, in the long run it will get you so much further than plastic surgery, the “right” clothes, or Playboy ever will. Getting attention from guys is only an added bonus to feeling awesome about yourself because of you who are. Okay, well that and passing that pop quiz, due to your new found confidence in yourself instead of Tommy.


Jenna said...

hey Alysha I am happy you made a blog. So far so good! You are a great writer.

Anonymous said...

Hello Alysha, been looking for the latest info on how to meet girls and found A Word To The Girls. Though not exactly what I was searching for, it did get my attention. Interesting post, thanks for a great read.

Anonymous said...

Hi Alysha, Out surfing for information on flirting & happened upon your site. While A Word To The Girls wasn't exactly spot on, it did strike a note with me. Thank you for the really good read.

Anonymous said...

Hi there Alysha, I had been out looking for some new information on seduce when I found your site and A Word To The Girls. Though not just what I was searching for, it drew my attention. An interesting post and I thank you for it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Alysha, Out surfing for information on seducation & happened upon your site. While A Word To The Girls wasn't exactly spot on, it did strike a note with me. Thank you for the really good read.