Thursday, June 23, 2005


Tonight was Steffany's grade 6 grad... exciting eh? Anyway so we're sitting there, in a room full of people we've never met.. to listen to the Janet Johnstone school song... and what all the kids want to be in the future. Then they played a 10 minute video, of pictures and clips from throughout the school year. I started to get teary eyed at this point. Thinking about my days in traditional school.

Since I started cyber schooling, I've realized just how much I miss traditional school. Not just any traditional school though, because I hated my 3 months at Scarlett. How much I missed being at Masters. Seeing my friends every day, friends I'd known since 5th grade, going to Circle Square Ranch every september, walking to the park and the icecream shop at lunch, the way things had been for 4 years. Sure I still talk to most of my friends from Masters, and I hang out with a few of them but it's not the same. I still spend hour after hour day in and day out on my computer. Talking to myself, or the few people I know at St. Pauls. Interacting through a computer screen. I miss the face to face.

Then I got thinking about this coming school year, and grad. I want a real graduation with my friends. Sure I'm going to their grad, but I want to walk across the stage with them.. not just sit in the audience then go to the dance. I don't want to go to a grad, with a bunch of people I've never met... never built relationships with. Grad is supposed to be a celebration of high school, and the good times with friends. Not a certificate for sitting behind a computer.

Regardless of how much I want it though.. it doesn't matter. I'm stuck behind the computer screen for another year.

*Just a useless rant really... but it's a blog*

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Hey Alysha
Why cant you go back to traditional school for grade twelve?
I never went to grad at all. It is sad.