Friday, September 23, 2005


Well it's been a month of change in my life, so I'll try to update you all with as little complication as possible.

Back in July an aquaintance of mine, Sarah threw a party while her parents were out of town. Well because at the time we were best friends, I thought I'd go because it was important to her that I go. Well it obviously wasn't important enough to her, to stand up for me when I needed someone the most. I had planned on having a couple of coolers and nothing more because there's never a good reason to get drunk. Anyway after I had finished off my pack of four 'Mikes Hard Lime' a friend of mine handed me another two drinks. Well I don't drink often, so after my four, and definitely after the sixth drink I was not really in a position to go anywhere or do much more than sit on the couch. Which I had been doing, with the before mentioned friend. Sarah wanted to start a game of spin the bottle, but Jason (the friend) had other motives. I won't go in to details, but the next couple of hours were not pretty. Sarah doesn't think that it should be her problem. So on my parents request and my own feelings, Sarah and I haven't spoken often in the past couple of months.

After that, Heather decided to come back into my life. I guess it was my lucky couple of weeks, until she got bored. Heather isn't always the nicest person, she has a lot of stuff built up, and her way of release is often to 'bully' other people. One day her and her friend decided to write a really nasty message to Sarah on the website and post a picture of Sarah in her bathing suit along with it. As Sarah knew that I had been talking to Heather, I didn't want her thinking that I had anything to do with it. So I sent Sarah a message telling her that although we weren't talking, she didn't deserve having that written about her, and that I had nothing to do with. Heather got really mad and she responded to a previous blog I have posted on my own nexopia account. She spent half a page, putting me down and throwing things that have happened in my life at me, etc. Needless to say we too have not spoken in a month.

I am not too upset about either of these occurances, after all they happen every day right? It's normal at this age to bicker with your girlfriends, and not talk for a few days or months at a time. Atleast I hope so. It's not normal though to no longer have a single female friend. Someone to spend friday nights with, reading over a magazine with a chick flick in the background, pigging out on junk food, and talking about your boyfriends. Someone who tags along to your boyfriend's hockey game, keeping you company as you play the role of the supportive girlfriend. Someone to go to for advice, even just for hair and make up tips. Someone to blow your paychecks at the mall with. As much as I'd like to say that I'm okay with this, I'm not. I miss it, more than I ever thought I would.

Sure I have plenty of guy friends, but it isn't the same. I can't talk to them about how 'hot' someone else is, or get clothing advice. I definitely cannot have sleepovers with them, and they'll look awfully silly in a bridesmaid dress.

Why do girls have to be so dramatic? Are we so wrapped up in ourselves and fitting in that we'll do anything to achieve social security. And why does a falling out with a girlfriend leave us more hurt than the end of a two year relationship with a boy?


Jenna said...

alysha that really sucks. i can't imagine not having any girl friends. i hope u get some soon and not some silly one. if u want u can move here when u graduate and i will get you some nice girl friends !

Anonymous said...

That is absolutely ridiculous that you are blaming someone else for your drinking too much and placing yourself in a vulnerable situation. If you are old enough to think of yourself as a grown up, you are old enough to make decisions for yourself. Adults take responsibility for their actions, children blame others.

Alysha said...
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Anonymous said...

oooo good attitude

Alysha said...

oh well.