Monday, September 04, 2006


I love love. and being in love. and falling in love. I love mutual love. can't get enough of eachother love. poking eachother love. lots of little kisses love. always holding hands love. can't fall asleep love. text messages just because love. silly love. tickle fights love. driving vibe love. cuddling lots love. different kind of love. laying in bed talking love. sharing life with him love. surprise dates love. an always changing love. always new love. never ending love.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Nothing much to say

Stampede 2006

I know, I am a horrible blogger. To anyone that checks regularly for updates I apologize.

I passed all of my courses and finished high school with atleast 15 credits I didn't need. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do in the next year. At this point I am working fulltime and looking into a few different options. Nic is taking Electrical Engingeering at SAIT starting later this month, and then he is looking into transferring to either University of Victoria or Lakehead (in Thunder Bay) in two years. It is hard to make my plans around that. Preferrably I should retake math for a higher grade, and take another science which would mean starting post secondary either in February, or next September. I might just continue working fulltime, and if we're together and I go with him I can take something there. We're still trying to figure that out.

I am back at Michaels... again. I played around with a couple of other jobs after I finished with exams but I didn't find anything that worked out. The manager at Michaels called me and offered me 'Full Time Lead Supervisor" and a raise to come back.. so I did. It is twice the money per month that I was making a couple of months ago so it's working out for now.

I also finally got my license. It took me two months to go back for my test after failing it back in may.. but I did it. With only 10 points taken off -- for not checking my rear view mirror often enough. Now I'm working on getting my own vehicle. It has definitely made life much easier being able to drive.

I really don't have a whole lot to say, especially for someone who hasn't blogged in two months. But there you have it, a brief update.


Monday, May 29, 2006

Grad Pics

Saturday May 27, 2006.
Grandma & Grandpa Eagle and I

Nic, Rebecka (his sister) and I

My parents, Nic and I

Rebecka and I dancing

Nic in Cap and Gown

Nic and I

Shaking the principals hand after the ceremony.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Europe.. it was definitely a once in a life time experience... full of up's and down's but overall pretty good. I will upload some pictures onto a website and then post the link in a later blog.

Nic and his mom picked me up at 3:00am on the 13th and we were at the airport for 3:30. This was only the beginning of a long and gruesome day of travelling. We had stop overs in Toronto, Halifax, and a breif stop in Newfoundland to pick up passengers. We t just under a full 24 hours travelling before arriving in London. We only spent two days in london, one of which being the day we arrived. While in London we saw Windsor Castle, Westminster Abby, a few cathedrals, attended Mass and went to dinner at a Midevil Banquet.. amongst other sight seeing attractions. It was a busy two days!

Our third day was spent travelling from London to France, via bus and ferry. Nothing too exciting happened on day three. We spent the remainder of our trip in France, seeing all the major tourist points such as The Versailles, Notre Dame, more Cathedrals, The Louvre, Arc de Triumph, Monte se Michael, as well as Juno Beach and the Juno Beach Canadian Memorial. Our time in France was just as rushed as London. Our days were full of many tours, some shopping, and taking in as much french culture as any of us could stand. Evenings were often spent wondering around near the hotel, or playing cards in the lobby.

Our final day in Paris we were given four hours of free time to shop and such. We spent ours trying to find a particular stand on the other side of where we had been... one we never found... but we got lots of sight seeing in that day. After a quick stop at the hotel to change and freshen up we got on the Metro and headed for dinner. After dinner we went on a 'moonlit' cruise down the Seynne river as the sun was setting. Very pretty! We then went up the Eiffel tower. I am not a fan of heights or elevators so I was really happy to get back down down but the view was amazing... and kisses at the top were pretty awesome as well. We then headed back to the hotel to pack our bags and catch a few hours of sleep.

We began our venture home at 2:00 am Calgary time on the 22nd and arrived home at 6:00pm. Another long and gruesome day of travelling. Starting with 5 hours spent at the Paris airport. Someone had left their bag unattended and people had to be brought in to make sure there wasn't a bomb or anything in it. In total our flight was delayed two hours, which pushed our connecting flight in Toronto back as well. I had a horrible cold at this point, and found the flying very difficult. I could not sleep because I was either too congested, or constantly blowing my nose and if I did manage to fall asleep it was for very short periods of time. It was definitely a relief to land in Calgary.

I don't think that I would head back to Europe right away.. or atleast not under the same cirumstances. I would much rather go to an all-inclusive resort for a week. However for the money it cost it was a fairly good trip and I'm glad I went.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

A Year of Changes

I am sitting here 'dog-sitting' Nic's dog who is asleep and watching the hockey game and I thought to myself, "what a perfect blogging opportunity this is". So there you go.. for the first time in almost three months you're going to get an update. Originally I wanted to write this blog on my birthday but I've been crazy busy this week so although it revolves around 'being a year older and wiser' it's a few days late.

A year ago if you had asked me what I wanted for my birthday I would have replied, without a doubt "him back"- him being Mark. I also would have asked to be living elsewhere, and of course for other small materialistic things. When faced with the same question this year I didn't have an answer for anybody. Oh how frustrated they all were with me! Funny how much difference a year makes.

Turning 18 was a fairly big deal. Of course there was the obvious factors such as legally being able to drink. But turning 18 wasn't about that for me. In fact this weekend is my first official weekend as an adult and I can honestly say that in the past week I haven't had a single drop of alcohol. Not to say that I won't in the future but it hasn't been a priority. As soon as the clock struck 12 to signal the end of sunday and the beginning of monday I of course changed my age on a few websites but the first thing I did as an adult was apply for my own air miles card. Small and insignificant but being able to do that was a big deal for me.

Over the past year I've learned to take notice of the small things. I've always been relatively low maintainence but in the back of my mind kept high expectations for myself and those around me. Overcoming this is one of my biggest accomplishments. I realized that I didn't need a guy in my life after a messy break up with Mark then a failed attempt at rekindling a jr. high relationship. I was perfectly content to do things like go and swing at the park talking with my girls. Of course this didn't last long as I soon begun my long persuit of Nic.

I learned that it was more important to take the time (and trust me it was a fair bit of time for two high school students) to really get to know Nic before taking that step into a relationship again. I knew from the first day that I met him that one day I would get to call him mine - but it took 108 days (not that I was counting) for that day to come. If I could go back in time, I would gladly repeat every one of those days and I would do things in the exact same order. Taking the time to notice and appreciate the little things, that were done as friends that most people want in a relationship and just enjoying each others company. A lesson I wish I could have learned earlier as the reward has been nothing short of amazing.

I have learned that it's okay to step out of my comfort zone and put myself out there. I still struggle daily with worrying too much in social situations but I've branched out more this year. Attending school events was a small part of that in the beginning and now in 5 days I will be boarding a plan with over 3 dozen of my classmates and teachers. If someone had suggested the trip to me a year ago I would have flat out refused because I did not want to meet new people.

Originally I refused to move out of my parents home until I could afford a mortgage but I have slowly come to realize that no one can at 18 and have come to peace with the idea of renting. At 16/17 I wanted nothing more than to move out and although the feeling is still stronger I've realized that it will be a huge commitment and that I'm not in as big of a hurry as I once was. I do not plan to move out until the fall at the earliest but it's another one of those fun adult decisions.

There you have it... a relatively brief update on life in it's current state but an update non-the-less.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

A random update?

It has been a very long time since I wrote a blog that goes into some detail. So for those of you who actually read my blog... here you go.

Life has been crazy busy lately! It is unbelievable. A few weeks ago I decided that I would join my school on a trip to Europe over spring break. I am super excited! However I've started learning just how much stuff like that costs. The trip itself is an excellant deal, but as a full time student working part time... making that money has not been too easy. I had to pick up a lot of extra hours in december at work, and when January 4th came around it was very sad to see my bank balance drop from over two thousand dollars, down to thirty-six cents.

It is really weird to not have money at my disposal these days. I haven't had less than 500.00 in the bank in the past year. *sigh*... definitely looking forward to the end of the month when the bills are paid off and I can start saving again.

On the topic of January. It is exam month. Although unlike the majority of my peers, I am not stressed about my diploma exams... it will be nice when all the studying and preparation is done with and I can have a week off to just relax. I have exams in Biology 30 and Social 30, on top of finishing off my optional courses. In february I begin Math 30 and English 30-1. I am debating dropping 'Marketing and Management' for Legal Studies advanced. I am also looking to pick up Psychology 30 through ADL or Chinook College. I am considering going for a degree in sociology, then working with the homeless. If this fails, I'll have a decent transcript for a dental assistant.

So many choices to make right now. My 18th birthday is in April, and I am trying to figure out life outside of my parents home. Who knew that just looking into buying a house could be so stressful! I definitely will not be able to move out at my current salary. Which means that once school is finished in June I have to start looking into better paying full time jobs. Oh the joys of growing up!

On a more fun note... I have met a new boy. Many of you have heard about him, and some of you even got to see pictures at christmas dinner... haha. However for those of you that haven't had that priveldge. We met at the beginning of the year through school -- and apparently our grandparents knew eachother way back in the day. We met in person at a few mutual friend events, and we've been talking ever since. He amazes me. It is so refreshing to hang out with someone just for the sake of hanging out, to be able to do the little things for hours and not get tired of eachother. We spent New Years eve together, and I could not have asked for a better night. As mentioned in an earlier blog. We went to a movie last weekend, and even though it wasn't an official date he insisted on paying for both tickets and snacks -- again something that I am not use to. See blog on 'perfection'. It was so nice to be out with someone, without any pressure to be anything. We've got a few plans coming up, and I am sure they will be just as nice.

All in all life is pretty awesome right now :)

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Late night movie, silly fights over the arm-rest, giving in and sharing, numb arms, too comfortable to move, singing along to the radio, cuddeling, tickle fights, first kisses, falling asleep, waking up with him, long good-byes in the car, big hugs, lots of kisses. *sigh* perfection.

Monday, January 02, 2006

New Years

Skating past the point of numb fingers. Hot chocolate made the right way with dozens of mini marshmallows. Flames vs. Oilers. Leaning on eachother watching the virtual fire for log changes. Popcorn fights . Squishing eachother on the couch. Conversations about nothing and everything at the same time. Being comfortably close. Falling asleep but putting off good night until he's kicked out by dad. I'll take that over a party any day.