Monday, January 29, 2007

Inspired by Jenna

Things that I am grateful for in my life right now:

1. An amazing new job opportunity. Tomorrow I start at United Drywall (exciting place for a girl hey?). I will be doing reception for two companies filled with employees that are all atleast 5 years older than me! It will be a learning experience. Especially with a half an hour (on a good day) commute on the Deerfoot twice a day. However I will be making 500.00 per month than I was at Michaels.. and that is definitely worth it.

2. My absolutely amazing boyfriend. With our one year mark just around the corner I have been thinking about this one a ton lately. I am extremely grateful to have found someone who makes me so incredibly happy. Someone who takes the time to do the little things and who takes notice when I do little things for him. Someone who makes me smile great big genuine smiles all the time. A boy who will cook for me... even if it comes out of a box or the freezer. A boy who CALLS ME every day to check up on life. A boy that I can be silly with.

3. My parents. For providing me with a roof over my head, food on the table, guidance, love and support. Even though I am ungrateful towards them at times, right now I'm very happy to have them. For the chance to take the time to figure life out even if it is a slow process.

I may not have all of the answers. Solutions for everything. However these three things are a strong foundation and I am sure the rest will follow.

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