Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Money, Money, Money.

I am basically alone in the office at the moment so I thought what a prime time to blog.

Well one week from today marks three months at this job. For those of you who know me at all, you know that this is a record. Since May of last year I have worked at: Michaels, Swiss Chalet, Garage Clothing, Michaels again, Winners, and Starbucks. The only job that lasted more than a week in that period was the two rounds of Michaels. Normally I am a very committed person, but I strongly dislike chaos, improper training, and working with or serving individuals between the ages of 11 and 19. Most jobs in that list fit into that category. Except for Michaels who I ended my on again off again relationship of two years with, late in November due to Management issues. I felt that I should be recognized for the work that I did. Weird.

Anyway, so I have been with United Drywall/Allwall LTD since January 30th. In that period I have developed an entirely new list of dislikes in the workplace. For instance, I have learned that I do not like construction guys. period. I also do not care for office drama, and power hungry females. I do not enjoy speaking to the clients that phone 7 times in an hour because the person they NEED to speak with is busy/out. But most of all, I do not care for sitting on my arse all day with absolutely nothing to do after 9. I spend a lot of time on face book. I do however like learning new things and have enjoyed the times that I service trained. I enjoyed getting to go into houses, and working on German Titov's house. He use to play for the Flames and he was there. I enjoy pay cheques at the end of the month, but I do not enjoy my salary. I enjoy the thought of getting promoted in the summer but I am not sure what I want to do in the fall.

and this is my current dilemma. I SHOULD go back to school but I do not know if I want to yet. If I get promoted then I will be making enough that I do not need to go back to school right away. Nic has one more year of school left, and we cannot afford for both of us to be in school at the same time. My parents are looking at moving out of the city, and in order to stay here with him I have to get a place... this typically does not go well for full time students working part time. My other option is Correspondence which I am personally quite fond of. I enjoy working at my own pace, and in my pj's. I could work full time and still take a course in the evenings, but be home with Nic at the same time. Personally I think that this is a great option. But then there is the problem of what to take?

I want to work with children or youth or the homeless. I want to help people. So I am thinking of taking Early Childhood Development, Child and Youth Counselling, or Psychology. Most people are supportive of this... however I have one friend who has convinced Nic and is now trying to convince me that it will not pay enough. I don't want to do it for the money. Starting out I would be making about what I am making now, maybe 5 or 10k more a year. Now, as a secondary income I think that is perfectly acceptable. Nic is looking at anywhere from 60-100k starting out with Electrical in a year. Why if it is just the two of us would we need more than that starting out? My parents never have years where the income is that high and there are 6 of us. This friend feels that I should be an accountant. Which I have also considered. When I started with United we briefly spoke of me taking a basic accounting course online during work hours. If this is still an option then by all means I will take it because in the long term there are all kinds of possibilities if I have it. But this isn't what I necessarily want to do, and why sacrifice happiness for money?

If my parents move out of the city, I need a place here. The most economical option is of course to rent a place with a couple of friends. at 18 and 19 we do not have the money to own of course, and it is temporary. One year. So the same friend that feels I should be in school this fall, but not for what I want is one of the people we'll be getting a place with. This friend, has most things handed to him on a silver platter. The plan originally was that his parents would buy a small townhouse in the city and the three of us would pay the mortgage. Houses are still ridiculously expensive here... like 350k for a tiny three bedroom townhouse. That's a good 2500 a month in rent alone depending on the down payment. This is not really affordable for two students, and only one person working full time. But this friend refuses to rent for someone else. Even though there are apartments available to rent for 1200. 400.00 each sounds much more reasonable. So it looks like Nic and I will be on our own to get a place if this friend doesn't cooperate, which again is more expensive. Especially if I got to school. It is a vicious circle.

Money, money, money. The cause and solution to most of life's problems.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Well, that was a stressful blog!!
I don't think you should worry about how much money your job would pay if you took any three of those things you said you would like to do. If you want to do it, do it. It makes much more sense then doing something you don't like, just for the money. I don't think you'd find the money was worth it in the end. Anyway, I think everything will fall into place. Life seems to do that.