Thursday, January 12, 2006

A random update?

It has been a very long time since I wrote a blog that goes into some detail. So for those of you who actually read my blog... here you go.

Life has been crazy busy lately! It is unbelievable. A few weeks ago I decided that I would join my school on a trip to Europe over spring break. I am super excited! However I've started learning just how much stuff like that costs. The trip itself is an excellant deal, but as a full time student working part time... making that money has not been too easy. I had to pick up a lot of extra hours in december at work, and when January 4th came around it was very sad to see my bank balance drop from over two thousand dollars, down to thirty-six cents.

It is really weird to not have money at my disposal these days. I haven't had less than 500.00 in the bank in the past year. *sigh*... definitely looking forward to the end of the month when the bills are paid off and I can start saving again.

On the topic of January. It is exam month. Although unlike the majority of my peers, I am not stressed about my diploma exams... it will be nice when all the studying and preparation is done with and I can have a week off to just relax. I have exams in Biology 30 and Social 30, on top of finishing off my optional courses. In february I begin Math 30 and English 30-1. I am debating dropping 'Marketing and Management' for Legal Studies advanced. I am also looking to pick up Psychology 30 through ADL or Chinook College. I am considering going for a degree in sociology, then working with the homeless. If this fails, I'll have a decent transcript for a dental assistant.

So many choices to make right now. My 18th birthday is in April, and I am trying to figure out life outside of my parents home. Who knew that just looking into buying a house could be so stressful! I definitely will not be able to move out at my current salary. Which means that once school is finished in June I have to start looking into better paying full time jobs. Oh the joys of growing up!

On a more fun note... I have met a new boy. Many of you have heard about him, and some of you even got to see pictures at christmas dinner... haha. However for those of you that haven't had that priveldge. We met at the beginning of the year through school -- and apparently our grandparents knew eachother way back in the day. We met in person at a few mutual friend events, and we've been talking ever since. He amazes me. It is so refreshing to hang out with someone just for the sake of hanging out, to be able to do the little things for hours and not get tired of eachother. We spent New Years eve together, and I could not have asked for a better night. As mentioned in an earlier blog. We went to a movie last weekend, and even though it wasn't an official date he insisted on paying for both tickets and snacks -- again something that I am not use to. See blog on 'perfection'. It was so nice to be out with someone, without any pressure to be anything. We've got a few plans coming up, and I am sure they will be just as nice.

All in all life is pretty awesome right now :)


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