Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Europe.. it was definitely a once in a life time experience... full of up's and down's but overall pretty good. I will upload some pictures onto a website and then post the link in a later blog.

Nic and his mom picked me up at 3:00am on the 13th and we were at the airport for 3:30. This was only the beginning of a long and gruesome day of travelling. We had stop overs in Toronto, Halifax, and a breif stop in Newfoundland to pick up passengers. We t just under a full 24 hours travelling before arriving in London. We only spent two days in london, one of which being the day we arrived. While in London we saw Windsor Castle, Westminster Abby, a few cathedrals, attended Mass and went to dinner at a Midevil Banquet.. amongst other sight seeing attractions. It was a busy two days!

Our third day was spent travelling from London to France, via bus and ferry. Nothing too exciting happened on day three. We spent the remainder of our trip in France, seeing all the major tourist points such as The Versailles, Notre Dame, more Cathedrals, The Louvre, Arc de Triumph, Monte se Michael, as well as Juno Beach and the Juno Beach Canadian Memorial. Our time in France was just as rushed as London. Our days were full of many tours, some shopping, and taking in as much french culture as any of us could stand. Evenings were often spent wondering around near the hotel, or playing cards in the lobby.

Our final day in Paris we were given four hours of free time to shop and such. We spent ours trying to find a particular stand on the other side of where we had been... one we never found... but we got lots of sight seeing in that day. After a quick stop at the hotel to change and freshen up we got on the Metro and headed for dinner. After dinner we went on a 'moonlit' cruise down the Seynne river as the sun was setting. Very pretty! We then went up the Eiffel tower. I am not a fan of heights or elevators so I was really happy to get back down down but the view was amazing... and kisses at the top were pretty awesome as well. We then headed back to the hotel to pack our bags and catch a few hours of sleep.

We began our venture home at 2:00 am Calgary time on the 22nd and arrived home at 6:00pm. Another long and gruesome day of travelling. Starting with 5 hours spent at the Paris airport. Someone had left their bag unattended and people had to be brought in to make sure there wasn't a bomb or anything in it. In total our flight was delayed two hours, which pushed our connecting flight in Toronto back as well. I had a horrible cold at this point, and found the flying very difficult. I could not sleep because I was either too congested, or constantly blowing my nose and if I did manage to fall asleep it was for very short periods of time. It was definitely a relief to land in Calgary.

I don't think that I would head back to Europe right away.. or atleast not under the same cirumstances. I would much rather go to an all-inclusive resort for a week. However for the money it cost it was a fairly good trip and I'm glad I went.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

That was short but informative. Sounds like a pretty good time but also tiring. Post some pictures up now!!