Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Jenna Tagged Me

Ok. I've been tagged. This means that I have to post 6 weird things about me and then I can tag 4 other people. Here they are in no particular order....

1. If it is any warmer than -2 I often drive with my windows open. - Calgarian much?

2. I go to Petland atleast once a week to cuddle with the bunnies because I don't have one of my own anymore. I get very upset when they are not there the next week.

3. I hate my feet, and I scream if someone takes off my socks... but in the summer I always wear sandals.

4. I hate milk and peanut butter. The only time I like peanut butter... is on toast with a glass of milk.

5. When I was ten my dad made me drive my own car on the Autopia ride in Disneyland and I was too short to reach the pedals properly. Since then I absolutely refuse to drive anything else with wheels other than my car or nic's car. Go karts, buggies, bumper cars, etc included. I will throw a fit if forced to do so.

6. I absolutely love to sing, but I hate singing for anybody else. Despite being told that I should pursue it. I won't even sing happy birthday.

Ok, I tag um Kristin... and that's really the only other peson that reads my blog...


Jenna said...

i like the peanut butter and milk one...that is weird!!
I like how u have this blog basically just for me! i'm soo special

Alysha said...

haha... yeah the peanut butter and milk one is great. Nic always rolls his eyes at that one. and yes you are very special! haha.