Saturday, April 11, 2009

I am a writer not a blogger

I write all day long. There are few moments that go by during the course of my day, where I am not thinking, speculating, creating. I do this with good intention. Editing my thoughts, re-writing sentences, to the voices in my head so that when I get to the computer I can write this fantastic blog.

More than just an update on my day to day life, but a peice that is so full of passion, and wisdom it doesn't just explain me but it is a creation of me.

and then I get home and I cannot put the words together. I get a few sentences typed into this box, and I hit a road block. I cannot put the puzzle together, the picture is always missing those crucial, hit home points.

I am passionate, and crazy emotional, sometimes I scare myself with the topics I want to write about. But I never know what to blog about.

a peice is in the works.

1 comment:

Chantelle said...

I am looking forward to it - hopefully you will come out of "writers block" soon :)

I love to read about anything and everything.